Monday, July 27, 2009

papai Vice president part 2

mke happi pas dh ltak jawatan ;p

akhir nyer aku mlepaskn jwatan sbgai vice president dlm club bebdk nurse..
lega glew rase nyer!!
eventhough i feel a little bit of embarrased bcoz i'm not the choosen 1 for the next vice president,but i'm totally relieved..
xpyah nk penin2 pkir psai club lg..
xyah dh nk pkir kate2 owg yg maen ckp jew tp not the 1 who do all the works..
bkn la aku nk ckp aku nie pndai sgt wat keje dlm club tueh..
aku pon jnis blur2 gak tp aku cube utk cope ngan keje2 dlm club tueh..
well,dat was history ;p
aku xyah nk wat sume 2 dah..
skang juz fokus dlm studi jew..
i have a lot 2 learn b4 becoming a gd staff nurse..
aku dpt present last sblom mlpaskn jwatan lme 2 which is bruises at both of my knee ;p
i got these bruises bcoz by the time we(penghuni umah 13) arrived,the auditorium is still dark(the light is not turn on by the maintenance yet)
so i cant c where i'm going n suddenly..
i run into a glass desk >_<
manyak skit ooo >_<

Saturday, July 25, 2009

papai Vice president ;p

sok adew meeting utk bebdk nurse..
n aku merupekn vice president utk bebdk nurse..
president aku xleh arap..
frankly speaking..
so sah2 sok die n aku kne letak jwatan(yeeehaaa!!!)
4 sure junior xnk kt kitowg senior diowg nih
diowg ingt senior xwat keje dlm prsatuan
ktowg bz glew ngn esaimen,test,menatang lg..
plan nk wat memcm mmg byk but the time is very limited..
mmg ssh nk kjar..
ngn junior yg tah bpe ratus..
so aku n ahli jwatankuase yg laen mmg nk undur diri..
bior bebdk junior take the job..
then they will know how hard 2 do all dat..
snang ckp r weih,buat blom tntu..
pas bdk junior pgang jwatan nieh,aku nk tgk diowg leh handle x..
bru pdan mke diowg(muahahahaha)
aku mmg xnk pon jwatan nieh..
penin beb..
aku bkn taw sgt nk pgang jwatan berat cm nieh..hu3
stakat class leader time skool dlu leh la ;p
well..nie la dugaan time studi..
xpe2..lg stgah taun jew lg..

new sem + new subject= STRESS >_<

juz starting the new sem.5..
new subject but still wif the same lecturer..hu3
stress sme e2 lecturer..
adew ke ptt aku tnye soklan kt die(coz ak xpham menatang yg d ajar nyer)
die leh blas cm nieh:

lecturer:aishah,awk g print out slide2 sy td,pas 2 blik bce lg skali..

hu3..stress aku soklan aku d jwb ngn jwapan yg bernas..
dah la class lg 2 mggu je lg..
how 2 cope wif dis subject..aiyooo..
subject bru lak tueh..


xpsai2 aku lak yg mental..hu3
mintak jauh..
prtikal mken dkat,bowing tul..


i have my own blog...
bcoz nver try dis b4..
bley d katekn aku nieh bute IT gk..hu3
tp skang sudey pndei sket r..
manyak bngga wooo..(sengal abes..he3)
pas dpt bby boy nieh(my laptop okeh) dh jd pndei IT cket ;p
harap2 leh r jge blog nieh ngn baek(gambatte!!!)